

2018-09-30 10:08:17  阅读:4823 来源:本站原创 作者:陈奕迅
刚刚去自己解锁了我的iphone4s之前查了多好资料,都有att号码,我没有,又懒得打电话。晚上终于搞定了,给了我个case心情大好啊。帮助解锁工作暂时暂停了。因为只有晚上哪里才有可能找到客服,加上自己高三了,马上要考试了啊,时间太紧张的说。在这回答几个问题。手机号码就选自己的号码,不用ATT的。而且3GS什么的都行,只要是ATT公司的,sp貌似还不可以。好多国家现在都可以解锁了,自己去查一下吧。尽量晚上找客服,填完信息如果出现对话框那么你就幸运了,耐心等客服回答你,大约要等15分钟左右。http:///learn/international/roaming/affordable-world-packages.jsp这是网址,会英语的最好自己整一下,要忙不过来了。点右上角的 chat now!!哈哈哈哈哈。求加分哈哈哈。下面是我和客服的对话。Thank you for choosing AT&T International Care a representative will be with you shortly. Please note: Protecting your personal information is one of our highest priorities; hence, you will be required to provide account related information to ensure whom we are working with. Data encryption is also enabled to protect your personal information during this chat session. For more information please go to http:///privacy/ or http:///privacy/. Please wait for a site operator to respond. All representatives are currently assisting others. Your estimated wait time is 15 minutes and 45 seconds. Thanks for your patience. (之前等了N久的,我就挂着学习去了)You are now chatting with Jose Aguirre . Jose Aguirre : Hello!??My name is Jose Aguirre??and I am an International Care Representative. I’m reading your inquiry and I will be right with you. Yang Q*****: hello Yang Q*****: thank you Jose Aguirre : I will be happy to assist you with your international inquiry. Yang Q*****: I am waiting for a long time : ( but thank you very much Yang Q*****: I want to unlock my iphone Jose Aguirre : Please provide me the IMEI number and your email address. Jose Aguirre : Please provide me the IMEI number and your email address. Yang Q*****: wait a minute please Yang Q*****: IMEI xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Yang Q*****: email Yang Q*****: IMEI XXXXXXXXXXXXXX and My Email is Jose Aguirre : Allow me a few moments while I create a case for you. Yang Q*****: ok, no problem Yang Q*****: I will wait here for you Jose Aguirre : Thank you for waiting. I'll be with you in just a moment. Yang Q*****: ok Yang Q*****: and thank you very much. Have you created the case ? Yang Q*****: Or I am waiting for a minute? Jose Aguirre : Your Case number is:啥啥啥....... You will be contacted on April 30 with a resolution. Yang Q*****: ok. Jose Aguirre : Are there any additional questions I may assist you with, or have I resolved your concern for today? Yang Q*****: how will you contact in April Jose Aguirre : Thru the e-mail you provided me. Yang Q*****: ok[ 此帖被幸福22在2012-04-23 21:35重新编辑 ]



引用 引用第1楼chan73247于2012-04-21 21:52发表的:就是直接跟att的客服说就可以解锁了???......=700) window.open('http://images.tgbus.com/images/back.gif');" onload="if(this.offsetWidth>'700')this.width='700';if(this.offsetHeight>'700')this.height='700';" >
