

2019-09-25 18:26:06  阅读:286618


  The 3rd Partner Conference will be held on September 27, which will focus on the key technologies of CNFSimulator high-level flight simulator and flight training device with independent intellectual property rights.

  英国皇家航空学会(FRAeS)和电气工程师学会(FIEE)院士、《飞行仿真原理》作者——英国谢菲尔德大学戴维·阿勒顿(David Allerton)院士作为本次大会特邀嘉宾出席会议。David Allerton院士作为飞行模拟领域国际顶尖专家,精通飞行仿真建模原理、飞行动力学、飞行控制系统仿真、导航系统仿真、飞机仪表显示和视景系统开发、运动平台仿真、数据包以及QTG等关键技术。

  David Allerton, the Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society (FRAeS) and the Institution of Electrical Engineers (FIEE), professor from the university of Sheffield, UK, author of “Principles of Flight Simulation”, is the special guest at this conference. As an international top expert in flight simulation field, Dr. Allerton is proficient in key technologies such as flight simulation modeling principle, flight dynamics, flight control system simulation, navigation system simulation, aircraft instrument display and visual system development, motion platform simulation, data package and QTG.

  9月27日上午Allerton院士将对中仿的高等级(CAAC FTD 5/EASA FNPT II)飞行训练系统进行阶段性测试评估以及展开专业研讨。

  In the morning of September 27, Dr. Allerton will conduct phased test and evaluation for the CAAC FTD 5/EASA FNPT II flight training system and have a professional seminars with CnTech staffs.

  9月27日下午,Allerton院士将针对飞行模拟系统技术原理和国际高等级模拟器鉴定标准的关键技术进行技术报告。中仿鉴定级模拟器项目负责人将介绍中仿高等级(CAAC FTD 5/EASA FNPT II)飞行训练机的研发成果和技术应用。

  In the afternoon, Dr. Allarton will give a technical report on the technical principles of flight simulation system and key technologies of international high-level flight simulator certification standards. The director of CnTech flight simulator certification project will introduce the research and development results and technical applications of CAAC FTD 5/EASA FNPT II flight training device.



  Dr. David Allerton (author of “Principles of Flight Simulation)

  戴维·阿勒顿(David Allerton),英国皇家航空学会(FRAeS)和电气工程师学会(FIEE)院士,毕业于英国剑桥大学并获得博士学位,英国谢菲尔德大学自动控制与系统工程系教授、系主任。曾任南安普敦大学和克兰菲尔德大学航空电子学教授。曾在数个国家航空专业技术委员会任职,是英国皇家航空学会飞行仿真委员会前任主席。他的研究方向包括计算机系统架构、实时软件、计算机图形学、空中管理、飞行仿真、航空电子学和操作系统。

  David Allerton, the Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society (FRAeS) and the Institution of Electrical Engineers (FIEE). He graduated from Cambridge University with Ph.D degree. He is the Professor of Computer Systems Engineering in the Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering at the University of Sheffield. He has been a Lecturer at the University of Southampton and the Professor of Avionics at Cranfield University. He has served on several national aviation committees and is a member and past-Chairman of the Royal Aeronautical Society’s Flight Simulation Committee. His research interests include Computer System Architecture, Real-Time Software, Computer Graphics, Air Management, Flight Simulation, Avionics, and Operating Systems.



  ——梁琳,CEO,中仿 [5 mins]

  Welcome Speech, Lin Liang, CEO, CnTech中仿高等级(CCAR-5级/EASA FNPT II)飞行训练机的研发成果和技术应用

  ——叶亮,CTO ,中仿 [15 mins]

  CnTech current achievements and technology application of high-level CNFSimulator flight training device (CCAR-5 Level FTD and EASA FNPT II), Liang Ye, CTO, CnTech


  ——David Allerton,院士,英国皇家航空学会 [60 mins]The technology principle of flight simulation system and key technology of International high-level simulator certification standard, Dr. David Allerton, Royal Aeronautical Society (FRAeS)

  交流与讨论 [40 mins]


  时间: 2019年9月27日,13:30 - 17:30

  地点: 上海市松江区九新公路1005号临港松江科技城中仿大厦

  主办: 中仿智能科技(上海)股份有限公司


