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工业设计 承接小批量模型生产 CNC精细雕刻 安全、防护用品

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最后更新: 2018-03-28 18:21
6000.00元/ 个
1 个
10 个

(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货)


  • 所在地区:北京
  • 收藏本公司 人气:832
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    手板制作 手机模型爆款推荐:6000.00马上订购工业设计 各种塑胶手板模型制作 专业手板模型加工爆款推荐:880.00立即购买畅销冠军8折cnc加工中心STEP/IGES手板外形精致 内在精准手板模型爆款推荐:880.00马上订购模型、手板 长期对外加工定制非标模型、手板等爆款推荐:1800.00马上订购空调板模型加工 手板模型 仿真飞机零件制作 ABS手板样爆款推荐:5800.00马上订购建筑模型 规划模型 模型 工业手板爆款推荐:6000.00立即购买[点击免费使用此促销模板]查看宝贝详情欣赏手机店铺保存本店名片



    公司采用全国最先进的快速制作工艺,以及最先进的精密型CNC加工中心,广泛使用多种材料诸如:塑胶类(ABS、PMMA、PC、PVC、POM、PP、PET、尼龙等),金属类(铝镁合金、铜、铁、不锈钢等),快速高效为您提供外形精致,内在精准的产品。 公司产品涵盖数码通讯、医疗器械、办公家电、安防金融、交通、动漫等多个领域,长期为北京阿尔特公司、中国航天、中煤天玛电液、中科院电子研究所、新联铁、中国人民银行、北京奥组委、松下电器、美国spotful、清华同方、同方威视、时代集团、德威土行孙、拉贝尔、易控微网、中船重工等企业提供服务,为客户降低设计开发风险,缩短产品开发周期。除了在国内市场拥有大量客户,业务更扩展到韩国、日本、印度、美国、英国、德国、丹麦、澳大利亚等多个国家.在这个充满机遇与挑战的年代,在这个充满机遇与挑战的行业里, 把握机遇,迎接挑战已经成为每个北京宏宝联人的共识和一致的奋斗准则。

    (1)模型制作范围包括: 数码通讯产品:数码相机、笔记本、掌上电脑、DV、MP3/MP4、显示器、机箱、移动电话、对讲机等 交通产品:车身、车灯、车门、空调面板、仪表盘等、航空飞机配件等 医疗产品:医疗设备、健身器材、B超检测仪、机、血糖仪等 办公家电产品:空调、影碟机、微波炉、吸尘器、液晶电视、多媒体音箱读卡器、打印机、复印机等 动漫产品:动漫周边模型、卡通人物、游戏人物模型 、仿真人物雕像、卡通公仔、世界影视明星雕像等 金融安保产品:取款机(ATM)、循环自动柜员机(CRS)、自助查询机、自助缴费机,报警器,红外探 测器,发射器,收射器,前端摄像头等。(2)各种塑胶手板、橡胶手板模型制作(3)各种铝镁合金手板、金属手板模型制作


    Maco occupied Beijing technology co., LTD., founded in 2013, we have a skilled poduction team, fist-class pofessional model quality is ou pusuit, maco teasue joint tielessly we is the enginee of the human life and poduction.

    We have been pusuing pofessional development path, and always uphold the "quality fist, custome fist, pioneeing and innovation fo development" opeating pinciples, though continuous impovement, always gasp the coe of high pecision technology, supeb poduction technology and poduct quality contol, with ou pofessional sevices to help customes ceate moe value.

    Company adopts the most advanced manufactue caft quickly, and the most advanced pecise CNC machining cente, the widespead use of a vaiety of mateials such as: plastic (ABS, PMMA, PC, POM, PP, PVC, PET, nylon, etc.), metals (aluminum and magnesium alloy, coppe, ion, stainless steel, etc.), fast and efficient to povide you with exquisite appeaance, inne pecision poducts.

    Company poducts include digital communications, medical equipment, office appliances, secuity and finance, tanspotation, animation, and othe fields, fo a long time fo the Beijing at copoation, China aeospace, China coal day MaDian liquid, electonic eseach institute of Chinese academy of sciences, and ion, the people's bank of China, the Beijing oganising committee (bocog), panasonic, Ameican spotful, tsinghua tongfang, tsinghua evese, age goup, line sun, soil and labae, easy mico contol netwok, the Chinese heavy industy entepises to povide sevices, fo clients to educe the isk of design and development, shoten the poduct development cycle.

    In addition to have a lage numbe of customes in the domestic maket, business is moe extended to South Koea, Japan, India, the United States, Bitain, Gemany, Denmak, Austalia and othe counties. In this ea full of oppotunities and challenges, in this industy is full of oppotunities and challenges, gasp the oppotunity and the challenge has become the consensus of eveyone in Beijing maco occupied and consistent standads.

    (1) the model include:

    Digital communications poducts, digital camea, notebook, PDA, DV, MP3 / MP4, display, chassis, mobile phones, walkie-talkies, etc

    Taffic poducts: body, ai conditioning, lights, doo panel, instument panel, such as aviation aicaft pats, etc

    Medical poducts, medical equipment, fitness equipment, ultasound ecto, anesthesia machine, mete, etc

    Office appliances, ai-conditioning, VCD, micowave ovens, vacuum cleanes, LCD TV, multimedia speakes, cad eade, pintes, photocopies, etc

    Anime poducts: anime peipheal model, catoon chaactes, chaactes, the simulation figues, statues, catoon figues, the wold film stas, statues, etc

    Financial secuity poducts: automatic telle machines (ATM), ciculation ATM (CRS), self-help gets, self-help pay cost machine, alam, infaed sensos, tansmittes, injecto, font end cameas.

    (2) all kinds of plastic planks, ubbe hand-boad model manufactue

    (3) all kinds of aluminum magnesium alloy's plate, metal hand-boad model manufactue

    (4) the plane (2 d) tun pictue thee-dimensional (3 d) model design

    (5) industial design: all kinds of industial poduct appeaance design, stuctue design, plastic and metal model design



